Get that low-hanging fruit


Make sure you feel a deep connection to the purpose of the project you are working on. This is crucial. Otherwise your Inner Critic will take over and stop you in your tracks.

You know that feeling when you are about to do something big for your career? 

Just this past week I coached a comedian who committed to making a new short film, a writer who is preparing to pitch her new TV show to networks, and an actor who just went back in for a final callback for her dream role.

What do each of these clients have in common (besides being badass artists who are up to big things)?

As the reality of realizing their goal was coming into focus (or feeling within reach), yep, you guessed it…up pops the Inner Critic ready to sabotage the next step toward their goal.

What does this look like?

Their Inner Critic starts spinning a web of self-doubt — making it all about them and why THEY aren’t good enough, saying things like, “Who are you to think you can get this?” or “You’re too  _________ (fill in the blank)". Another famous line is “Why bother?”

I hear some version of this literally every day.


The coaching process challenges the client to step outside of their comfort zone.

Do the hard things (eat the frogs, as we say).

Because we know this is where the breakthroughs happen.

But how do they get there when their Inner Critic is so damn loud?

Easy. We direct the focus OFF of them and put it back where it belongs – on the ART itself. The project. The creation. The job in front of them.


And here’s the deal. If you can answer this question, we are in business.

But if you are struggling to answer this question, it might be an opportunity to step back and make sure this is the right project/job to be moving forward with.

At some point along the way there was a connection to your deeper purpose, dare I say a calling, to say yes and dedicate your time and energy to a specific project. So, it’s only natural that as the Inner Critic’s fear starts to creep in when it’s time to put yourself out there, this is exactly the moment you need to plug back into WHY this matters in the first place. The livelihood of your career depends on it.

Bottom line: Make sure you feel a deep connection to the purpose of the project you are working on. This is crucial. Otherwise your Inner Critic will take over and stop you in your tracks.

Thanks, but no thanks, Inner Critic.

Here’s a fun exercise to help you get into action once you plug back into your purpose and make sure that Inner Critic is no longer in the driver’s seat of your career.

I call this the Low Hanging Fruit Action List.

Write out 3 different types of actions specifically related to your goal or project: 

  1. Low Hanging Fruit Actions
    These are easy actions. Within your reach. Not a big deal. Can do RIGHT NOW. In fact, go ahead, do one now - I dare you!

  2. Middle Branch Actions
    These may feel a little harder to complete in one sitting, they probably require more planning and perhaps a few steps, but ultimately feel doable if you are willing to set aside the time to make it happen.

  3. Top of the Tree Actions
    These feel legitimately out of your reach. Too hard to do right away. Most likely the scary hard actions, but just like FROGS, your gut tells you that if you could muster up the courage to do this, it could really make a difference. These usually require a conversation with someone trustworthy who can also hold you accountable and support you as you take this big action step.

Once you make these lists, nothing fancy here. Get to it!

If it’s all Low hanging Fruit actions, awesome. Do them proudly.

If you are ready to go for the other two lists, do whatever you can (my client who was pitching her tv show knocked out 2 middle branch actions and 1 Top of the Tree actions during our session — and it’s worth mentioning that she had been sitting on those 3 actions for months)!

When all else fails, remember that it’s not about you at the end of the day. Hopefully that releases the pressure you're putting on yourself to deliver, and gets you back to working in service of what’s best for the goal or project you are focusing on.

That’s something I bet you can get behind.

Take that, Inner Critic.


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