Take a walk around the block. No, seriously.
It’s amazing how our experience of something as mundane as a walk around the block can change so drastically simply by shifting our focus. When you can, make time for this powerful exercise.
As a follow up to my post last week on rituals, I want to share with you a grounding ritual that I used to give as an assignment in one of my classes.
On its surface, it doesn’t seem like much (the basis of it is a walk around the block), but the shift in focus that it creates tends to always surprise my students. It’s something that I still do when I need to ground myself, and I’d love for everyone reading this to give it a try and see what happens.
To do this, pretend that you’ve arrived in my virtual classroom, and on the whiteboard are the following instructions for a silent walking meditation.
If you’re able to do this right now, go for it. If you’re reading this while you’re busy, or you simply don’t have 10 minutes to spare right now, do your best to carve out time in the next day to give it a go.
Follow these instructions IN SILENCE (yes, that means no phones, my friends...).
You are going to walk around the block in your own time TWICE.
For the first lap around the block, I want you to purposely think about whatever is on your mind. Let the chatter and the voices run free and rant during the first lap around the block.
For the second lap, I want you to let go of ALL thoughts and be as present as possible.
Check in with all of your senses—notice everything around you: the sounds, smells, sights, even touch a building or a tree, or notice if someone is near you.
Feel your feet on the ground as you walk.
Make sure you take at least 10 conscious breaths during this second lap. The slower you walk, the better. Really soak up your surroundings. Stay present and silent as you make your way back inside.
Before moving on to your next thing, get out a pen and paper (or your computer) and free write about what you experienced. Use the following questions to get started:
What was the difference for you between the two laps around the block?
What did you find challenging?
What did you enjoy?
How did you like this ritual?
What did you learn?
This is what a student shared with me after he did this exercise:
“I had this moment halfway through my 2nd walk where I felt like I was discovering everything around me — and that exciting newness, like when you're exploring on a vacation to a place you've never been. And a feeling of gratitude crept in — for being alive, for being able to experience the world around me. I have to say, I anticipated what the change of mindset would bring on the 2nd walk — but the depth of feeling that crept in surprised me. I LOVED it!”
We’d love to hear how it goes for you, too! You can leave a comment either below in this blog post or on our social page, sharing any or all of your answers to the questions above.
It’s amazing how our experience of something as mundane as a walk around the block can change so drastically simply by shifting our focus. Make time for this exercise — you won’t regret it!
Happy walking!