Are your goals "goal-worthy?"


When creating a goal, you’re answering the question, “What do I want?” not, “How will I get what I want?”

There’s a world of difference between the two.

Goals are on everyone’s mind. We can’t help it this time of year.

The most common way I see artists self-sabotage when it comes to goal-setting is by getting too caught up in the HOW.

Goal-setting is a two-step process:

  1. actually coming up with and defining the goal

  2. creating the plan for HOW to achieve it

When creating the goal itself, you’re answering the question, “What do I want?” not, “How will I get what I want?”

There’s a world of difference between the two.

For some of you, coming up with a goal is the easy part; you have something definitively in your sights and you’re ready to make a go at it.

For others, however, things aren’t so cut and dry. If you fall into the latter category, keep reading. Let’s talk about where to start.

Your goal is already inside of you. 

That’s right; it’s the project or idea that you keep coming back to or that keeps coming back to you. It’s a gut feeling. What compels you? What are you ready to go after? What feels “right?"

That’s really the trick — turning your attention inside and listening to what’s going on there. This isn’t about what’s going on in your head; you can’t think your way to your next goal and expect it to feel authentic.

You also can’t rely on others to inform your goal. It’s not about living up to someone else’s idea of what success looks like for you — not your parents, or your friends, or your partners.

You have to strip everything else away and get to the heart of what matters to you.

This is about digging deep, being honest with yourself, and taking ownership of what it is that you truly want for yourself and your career.

I challenge you over the coming days to sit with this question a little bit longer than you normally would and see what comes up for you.

Want more support with this process?

On January 9th and 10th, I’m hosting a FREE LIVE webinar called:

“Unlock Your Creative Career in the New Year: The Key to Setting (and Getting) Goals That Stick.”

You’re invited to join me for a chance to go deeper into this process where you will…

  • Learn the Crucial Difference Between Goal-Setting and Goal-Getting 

  • Identify 3 Traps that Keep Creatives from Achieving Their Goals & How to Avoid Them

  • Learn how to Set Goals That Light a Fire Under You

  • Set Your First Track and Goal for the New Year

  • Walk Away with a Solid Action Plan + Accountability for Your New Goal 

CLICK HERE to register now.

There are a limited number of spots available, so be sure to secure your spot now.

I hope you’ll join me in January!

And until then, sending you my warmest wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.



My love affair with rituals


A Reason to Struggle