Celebrating 17 Years of Capes Coaching
Today, April 1st, marks 17 years of Capes Coaching! This last year has tested all of us. For Capes Coaching, it has helped us step back, reflect, and reconnect with our mission to support artists and creatives in aligning their career paths with their true purpose. We remain committed to helping you to set your goals, get your goals, and supporting you every step of the way.
17 Reflections from our 17th Year:
1. Alignment is Everything. This proved more important than ever during the pandemic so we’re carrying it over as our theme for 2021/2022.
2. Anti-Racism is a Daily Practice. Every day at the top of my daily action plan, I ask myself “What action did you take toward anti-racism today?” We are committed to using our platform to engage in and practice anti-racism education and action.
3. Goals Continue to Matter. Especially in a pandemic. In times of uncertainty, we take back control by getting focused, setting a goal, and making a plan.
4. Play is Essential. If there’s one thing that’s kept us going this year, it’s been our willingness to get playful.
5. Amplify the Internal Compass. It takes just a moment. For me I put my hand on my heart and get quiet. Tune into my inner knowing. It’s always there ready and waiting with more clarity than my mind will think up.
6. Ask For Help. Sometimes one brave request can be a major catalyst for our goals. When we have fear about asking for help we check in. Is the safe avoidance of that fear more important than the opportunities we may miss by not asking for help?
7. Quality Over Quantity. "...my value as an artist doesn’t come from how much I create...being an artist is about how and why you touch people’s lives” - Amanda Gorman
8. Answer the Hard Questions (Literally). “Why Bother?” Has come up a lot in the coaching room this year - and when it does? We answer it. LITERALLY ANSWER IT. Here’s why we bother. We declare it. This is how we plug back into our purpose.
9. Set Boundaries. Only saying yes to what truly lights us up prevents us from burning out.
10. "Worry Pretends to be Necessary.” - Eckhart Tolle Yes. Yes. Yes.
11. Go for Flow. Flow state is defined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi as a time when challenges and skill set are equally matched. We’re working to stay challenged and engaged as we continue to grow Capes Coaching.
12. Change the Story. When we tell ourselves a story about why things won’t work out, it’s usually based on the past. The simple act of changing the story in our mind gets us back into the land of possibilities.
13. Get a Little Bored. It can be hard to justify making time to sit around and do nothing, but sometimes our greatest creative ideas come from the moments we slow down and get quiet.
14. What’s In the Way Is the Way. We pay close attention when resistance pops up. It’s useful information, and information is power.
15. Process Over Product. Dorothy Parker said, “I hate writing, I love having written.” We are taking this to heart as we embark on the next chapter of Capes Coaching.
16. Allow for Course-Correcting. There’s no shame in changing our goals and plans if need be. Life happens and being flexible is an integral part of the process.
17. Radical Self-Love is the New Self-care. Sonya Renee Taylor said it best - “if it isn’t nourishing, it isn’t radical self-love.” We're releasing fear and anxiety and choosing radical self-love.